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Terms and Conditions

  1. QuickSol offers a on-line information service via the Internet network to her subscribers. The information is only for the private, non-commercial use of the subscribers. 
  2. Subscribers must be over 18 years old (21 years for AL, MS, NE, and WY).
  3. You become a subscriber by filling in a registration form and the following acceptance by QuickSol. Subscribers are bound by this agreement.
  4. You are purchasing a membership from QuickSol.
  5. Subscribers contract themselves to pay periodic subscription fees according to the then-current rates. Subscription fees are non-refundable. Extra charges may be incurred by the subscriber for special services, to which the subscriber may separately contract himself. Payment can be made only according the methods specified by QuickSol.
  6. When a package has been chosen with a so called recurring membership, members will be automatically renewed, unless Subscriber cancels the subscription using the cancellation form or Customer Service is notified via email 2 days prior to membership expiration. When the subscriber requests the cancellation, subscription fees are NOT refunded. Note, that the membership is not terminated immediately after cancellation. The subscriber will be able to access his membership account until the expiration date.
  7. Subscription may be terminated at any time and without cause, by either QuickSol or the subscriber upon due notification.
  8. Subscribership may not be assigned or transferred to any other person or entity. Subscribers are not allowed to make the information, obtained from or via QuickSol, available to non-subscribers, unless otherwise clearly stated. Subscribers must keep their access codes strictly confidential. In case of any infringement of this clause, the subscriber shall incur a fine of 1.000,00 USD, payable at call, without any prejudice to all other liabilities of the subscriber for any unauthorized use of this access codes, and to the rights of QuickSol to demand compensation for all damages and loss of profits caused by the subscribers infringement.
  9. Subscribers to the site are granted a restricted non-exclusive and non-transferable right of use of the site i.e. to access the service or material located at this website under the suspensive condition of payment by the subscriber of all amounts due which are stated on the site or on the payment pages provided by VirtualXS. This restricted non-exclusive and non-transferable right of use shall be granted for sole use to one subscriber using one computer. All memberships are provided for personal use and shall not be used for any commercial purposes or by any commercial entities. Commercial use of either the site or any material found within is strictly prohibited. No material within the site may be transferred to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial. In addition, materials may not be modified, or altered. Materials may not be displayed publicly, or used for any rental, sale, or display. Materials shall extend to copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary notices there from. 
  10. QuickSol explicitly disclaims all warranties to the availability, accuracy, quality, performance, correct transmission, completeness, or content of information. QuickSol states explicitly that the information does not contain any visual material of models under the legal age according the laws of Austria. QuickSol also explicitly disclaims all liability for any damages resulting from the failure, incompleteness, incorrect transmission of, or errors in the data sent to the subscriber.
  11. The subscriber indemnifies QuickSol from any third-party liability as a consequence of the unauthorized or illegal use of the information made available by QuickSol to the subscriber.
  12. If information is made available by the subscriber to QuickSol, whether or not for the use of other subscribers, the subscriber indemnifies QuickSol from any third-party liability concerning this information.
  13. This agreement is subject to change by QuickSol at any time. Changes are effective upon due notice to the subscriber.
  14. This agreement is governed by and shall be construed under the laws of Austria in Europe.
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